
Placing an Order

For your convenience, SupplyDirect offers a variety of ways for you to browse for the parts to complete your ideal kitchen. After sorting through by manufacturer, part numbers or searching directly for the tools you need, you can change the quantity of an item and either add it directly to your cart, or log in and add it to your catalog. By adding it to your cart, you're given the opportunity to clear your cart, continue shopping, add a discount code or checkout from inside or outside the US. If you are not registered with an account, you can checkout as a guest and add your personal information for billing, shipping and payment method. If you'd prefer to register, it will hold all your information so that your next order will be painless and quick! Don't forget to review your order and hold the copy of your receipt.

Creating an Account

If you would like to create an account to reduce the hassle of constantly entering your information under guest status, simply click the register button along the top menu bar on your screen. You'll then be given a chance to fill out the form and create your very own account. Don't forget to sign up for the newsletter for discount codes, upcoming events and more!

Further Assistance

If you have a question that isn't answered on our site, you have two options to get in contact with us to help resolve your issue: live chat or the contact us page. From the live chat, you will be directly connected to a parts manager within our office who can assist you in finding the solutions you're looking for. If you'd prefer to leave feedback or talk to someone directly over the phone or email, press the contact us button along the top of the menu or the bottom amongst the footer links to find our telephone number, email, address or to leave a comment. We look forward to hearing from you!